Wednesday, 30 December 2009


There just isn't any point in me updating this site. Anything that happens with Ellis is written in the topflumps blog. So check that one out and this blog is officially finished!

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Update coming soon!

I am dying to update this blog with what Ellis has been up to since February but I just don't know where or when to start it as it is going to be a huge entry! I might try and break it down a bit. It will probably be the last entry as most things about post pregnancy are written in growingdollop blog and anything about Ellis and his progress is written in topflumps blog.

I'm still thinking about it but won't wait much longer.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


Ellis has had Chickenpox since last Thursday. He has been quite poorly with them and didn't sleep well for one night but we gave him some Piriton and that seemed to help the itching.

Friday, 6 February 2009


Video and picture updates as Ellis is now 18 months old!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008


These 2 videos are very long, nearly 10 minutes each! It is a bit dis-jointed but I think I pretty much say everything I wanted. I sound a bit miserable but I'm actually just having a moan. All is okay.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Sunday, 25 May 2008


Diary summary, done in 2 parts.

Sunday, 23 December 2007


A diary entry of life so far.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007


Boring diary about feeding and sleeping routines.

Sunday, 30 September 2007


Summary diary videos for the past 8 weeks.

Saturday, 11 August 2007


Going from the ward to getting home.

On the ward, Ellis had his first ever bath.

I tried to rest but it was difficult as we were having problems with getting Ellis to put weight on. I had to express for 25 minutes, then feed him when he woke up for 20 minutes, then call the midwife and she would top him up with what I had expressed. I would then have to go and express again. I was just constantly feeding or expressing, all day and night. It was exhausting.

We were kept in the hospital for a long time due to Ellis loosing so much weight (11.8%) and my scar was very bruised.

On Wayne and Nic's wedding Day, Mum came to stay with us and I did a short video of Ellis hiccuping which is really cute.

Here is a video of us arriving home.

Sunday, 5 August 2007


Ellis arrives!

Video entry explaining the start of the operation, my funny story of having my epidural. The video cuts off but don't worry, I continue in the following entry.

I then continue with the rest of the operation and how I felt when I first met him.

A short video inside the theatre while I am being stiched up - nice!

Straight after I was put back into a delivery room so that I could wait for a bed on a ward. Rob was still with me and we did a video of Ellis' first ever feed and talked about how we were feeling etc.

Next entry talks about staying in the delivery room and then going to the ward.


I am now over my due date by 6 days. I have had irregular contractions since the early hours of Saturday morning. I am really shattered.

Due to the fact that my waters have broken, I have to go to Southmead hospital for observations. They take a swab to check for infection, a wee test and monitor Flump and I for about an hour or so. The worst part about all that was the car journey. Having contractions while in a car was awful.

I tried to eat and Rob and I just chilled out really, waiting to go home again. Oh how I wish we had asked for a scan!

I tried as much as I could to stay on my feet, even went for a walk around the neighbourhood but we were too far away from a toilet so had to go back home.

Then in the evening the contractions kicked up a gear and after monitoring the contractions for about an hour, I told Rob to ring the midwife.

While we were waiting for her to arrive I sat on my ball in front of Feet of Flames which was really relaxing. The contractions were okay. I was dealing with them well and Rob was there to help me when I needed it.

The camcorder had been set up to capture the home birth and I have taken clips from the 1 hour 40 minute long video for you to see.

Once the midwife arrived, baby and I were checked out and the labour continued until I had an internal (not shown), and I was then transported to hospital.

I have done it in several parts and towards the end you need to have the volume up to listen to what is being said in the kitchen. I have tried to break it down as much as possible.

After the birth I did video entries of everything that had happened.

Entry 1 - from waters breaking to active labour.

Entry 2 - from active labour to being told we would have to go in to hospital.

Entry 3 - from ambulance ride to operating theatre.

Saturday, 4 August 2007


Well I am now in labour, very early stages.

Monday, 30 July 2007

Tuesday, 24 July 2007


Diary 29 and we are almost at the end of the pregnancy. I have split the diary video into 2 parts as it is quite a long one.

Part one, we are all ready, finally. I'm fed up of shopping and in complete denial about the size that I have become.

Part two, the stretch marks are getting worse! I am worrying about what to wear to a wedding that is going to happen 10 days after my due date.

Feeling rather needy and emotional too. The whole thing is very over whelming and now that I am not at work, I have loads of time to think about it.

Monday, 23 July 2007

Monday, 16 July 2007


Wow, I am getting huge as you can see, but I am still loving it.

Thursday, 12 July 2007


Diary 27 and the head is engaged. Everything seems to be progressing normally and I am starting to get all the home birth and hospital bag ready.

Baby's room is getting ready too. Curtains are up, which my Mum kindly helped me with and the furniture will be arriving soon.

Monday, 2 July 2007


Video 26, and the smoking ban has come into force - excellent!

Ive started nesting and the swelling in my legs is now staying.