I am now over my due date by 6 days. I have had irregular contractions since the early hours of Saturday morning. I am really shattered.
Due to the fact that my waters have broken, I have to go to Southmead hospital for observations. They take a swab to check for infection, a wee test and monitor Flump and I for about an hour or so. The worst part about all that was the car journey. Having contractions while in a car was awful.
I tried to eat and Rob and I just chilled out really, waiting to go home again. Oh how I wish we had asked for a scan!
I tried as much as I could to stay on my feet, even went for a walk around the neighbourhood but we were too far away from a toilet so had to go back home.
Then in the evening the contractions kicked up a gear and after monitoring the contractions for about an hour, I told Rob to ring the midwife.
While we were waiting for her to arrive I sat on my ball in front of Feet of Flames which was really relaxing. The contractions were okay. I was dealing with them well and Rob was there to help me when I needed it.
The camcorder had been set up to capture the home birth and I have taken clips from the 1 hour 40 minute long video for you to see.
Once the midwife arrived, baby and I were checked out and the labour continued until I had an internal (not shown), and I was then transported to hospital.
I have done it in several parts and towards the end you need to have the volume up to listen to what is being said in the kitchen. I have tried to break it down as much as possible.
After the birth I did video entries of everything that had happened.
Entry 1 - from waters breaking to active labour.
Entry 2 - from active labour to being told we would have to go in to hospital.
Entry 3 - from ambulance ride to operating theatre.